A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

On today's show:

We call and check in with Samuel/Tuddle/Patrick

Bo Jackson's Hunger Games

Moses Lawn - Dan'sDrag Queen Name

Sword your butt-ass off


A Call in from "Scumbag Chris" - Felonies don't sound that bad in a British accent.


Church Talk with Brandon

Corgan or Anderson


Carmen stops by!

Thanks to everyone who subscribes and take the time to help support this show. We grow, and grow, and grow all because of you guys and the fact that you support us and keep the studio running. It means so much to us! It really, really, really does. Understand this; we would not have a show if it were not for those of you that listen, support our sponsors, and subscribe as BDM's. Today was an awesome, awesome, awesome show…and it has everything to do with you guys and your support.

Thanks for the love and we'll see you next week.


Direct download: Show229.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm EST