A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Thanks to all of you for checking out "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!" Most of you know that Tom has been a little under the weather. By "a little", I truly mean that I've never seen him this sick before. Like seriously. Whatever has a hold of him does not want to let go. As of yet, I am NOT sick and for that I am forever thankful and happy. Not to say that I'm happy that Tom is sick - in fact - the exact opposite. Tom gets mad when he's sick and with my higher level of neurosis', I have a tendency to think that he's mad at me when he acts like this. Not the case. He's just tired of being sick and in a bad mood. All is good. 

On today's "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan": 

-Tom has a dad dong

-Truck burger

-Tom is sicker than ever

-Home brewing beer

-Home made morphine

-Next new drug?

-Old school novelty western photos

-33 year old Wisconsin/Mexican virgin

-T&D try and help the virgin get laid 

-Dan’s the Jordan of jacking

-Tugged off proof

-Tom defends his Native American heritage

-We call Tom’s mom


-E.R. Gourd

-Sausage song  

Thanks to all of you for listening and supporting the show. Make sure and check out all of the new merch and cool stuff that we have over at TomandDan.com. New shirts, new coozies, new sun-glasses, - all of that jazz. Please order and know that we're a bit over worked right now. Most items ship super quick and on the "weekly" but we are prone to a few mistakes. Apologies for that and just know that we will do everything in our power to fix any issues that we cause. Email issues to Show@TomandDan.com

You are the finest listeners in the world and we thank you for that!

All the best,



Direct download: Show316-IsTomIndian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50pm EST