Fri, 25 September 2015
Thanks to all of you kids for checking out today's show. I don't think that I've laughed that hard in a really, really long time. Although we entitled today's show "Scruff McGruff", the funniest part to me was the "Tom Ticket Challenge" falling into complete chaos. And when I say complete chaos…I mean COMPLETE CHAOS. I have never laughed harder!!! Truly. On today's show: -Porn -Lazy Uberman -Food remorse -Burn the French witch -Dobots -Refunds -#GiveHImBread -Cockamamy schemes from wild men -Baby macho man Randy Savage -Orlando Indie Comedy Fest -Wigs -Shaving pubes -McGruff crime dog and D.A.R.E -Whale puke -#Whatsit?! -Finding dates in church -BDM ticket challenge -HELLO?! ( party chat ) Ok, thanks kids. Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week. All the best and you guys are the greatest listeners in the world! d |