A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Hey bud,

How are you? Me? Oh, I’m good. Pretty fun and busy week here at T and D Media. The event at BB Kings last Saturday was a blast. I can’t wait till we announce all the details for the 9th Anniversary show. I’m more excited for that than the cruise, which is saying something because I’m stoked for the cruise.


*Eating P***y With a Beard

*Steve Lemme (Super Troopers, Super Troopers 2) Calls In.

*Tommy’s Pacifier Withdrawals

*Booze Fairy

*Breast Evolution

*Quincy Jones Interview


I wanna say thanks to everyone for being super nice and cool at the BB Kings event. Make sure you come out to the “Pre-Cruise Party” at Red Cypress on the 18th. Lastly, just want to say  Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers out there. Been single for the past 28 Valentine’s Days, so I’m gonna take myself out on a nice date/look up pictures of my exes on Facebook and cry.

Be good and listen to Sleep.


Direct download: Show457-PenisShapedBologna.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm EST