A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Lots going on in the ol' "Tom and Dan" department. First of all we're sorry that the show started a little early today but Tom had a "quarry" commitment later today so we had to attempt to squeeze it in there. But at any rate, thanks for downloading and for supporting the show...

On today's show:

We got Tiffany with Fart-O-Gram


Fart-o-Gram Explained

An interview with Steve Lemme from Broken Lizard and Super Troopers

Stand-Up in Miami

Steve and Kevin Hefferner


$10 Dollar Password - DrunkyTheBear

Thanks to everyone that downloads and supports the show. Thanks to Steve for taking the time to let us waste his time playing radio. He was a great interview and so kind to join us on today's show. Thanks to our buddy Tiffany Martin for allowing us to torment her via Fart-O-Gram. She's always down for whatever and is truly an amazing show of the friend. (We love you Tiff…)

Mark it on your calendar! Snootsgiving 2 is November 17th at the West End Trading Company in Sanford. This is a killer, little reggae bar and the perfect place for "Snootsgiving #2 - The Reggae Bar-B-Que."

See you kids next week…


Direct download: Show_178.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST