Fri, 26 July 2013
Thanks to everyone that downloaded, participated and was a part of the show today. As always thanks to Ross, Samantha, Medijocre and all of our callers! You guys were crazy today and we love that! Fun stuff. And as always…thanks! If you have nothing to do on Sunday, me and Tom would love to have you come out to "Tom and Dan's To Hell with Sundays" at Caddy Shanks in Baldwin Park. We're going to have ping-pong, Sapo, and virtual golf! If you've never been there, trusts…you'll love it! On today's show: Tom thinks he's going to have a heart attack while j'n. Ross' dental procedure. Are you a twiddle-dee-down? Fraken-nuts. Jacking off in Publix. Henry the J-off Cowboy. Tom sex talks Kandi What's eating "sour grapes." I'll be your Biff. SmartGuestsssssssssssss Ross: Business Kurt Cobain Mr. Planet Thanks guys…and we'll talk to you soon. dan |