A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Hey there, gang!

It's Sunday morning, and I'm sorry I was sleeping on the show notes. I've been trying not to work as much when I get home, and this weekend, I was reasonably successful at that. (Although, I will say that now I'm working and when asked what I wanted to do for Father's Day, I told Andrea and Maisie that I wanted to wash my scooter and rehang the curtains at the studio. Jesus. That's about as lame as it gets.)

Happy Father's Day to all of the Fathers that listen to the show. Tom and I are both in that category, and we love it. It's hard and fun, but hell - you guys know all of these "family cliches" - Hahaha..." it's a different world down there."

On this week's show:

*The great diaper challenge with Fisher (BYOCB Podcast)

*Batbot story

*Put your ding dong on the ping pong

*Inappropriate childhood memories

*Snoop Dogg's new game show: "Joker's Wild"

*Tom's Matouk dooks

*Realmun dad competition judged by Brendon and Busdeker

*Trappin' beaver

Thanks, as always for listening and special shout outs to all of you who are taking advantage of the new "Tom and Dan Love-o-meter." Tom and I think that this will be huge for the company and will hopefully allow us to move further away from the typical corporate model that people have been using for years. We love you guys! 


Direct download: Show475-RealManDadContest.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EDT