A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Hey there, gang! 

So, this is a strange one! We actually have a gal who was in the NXIVM cult and she was more than willing to come on the show and tell us some of the real! (She's a BDM too! I mean...we probably could have guessed that, huh?)

With that said, this was what was on this week's show:

* Dan's a frog dad

* Dan's old letters from when he was a kid 

* Teah- former NXVIM member

* Tommy's eye therapy 

* One chip challenge

* Seth's douchebro news

* Magawa hero rat 

* Man in a jetpack flying near an airport 

* "Looks like your ass has been twirling pizzas" - Tom to Dan 

* Butler Slow Poke Rodriguez'd the delivery guy 


Thanks so much to Teah for coming on the show and I look forward to branding her with T&D in the near future. Have a wonderful weekend and we'll see you back here on Monday! 


Direct download: Show592-NXIVM-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST