A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Well there you have it...we cleared the room! Nah...kidding but Seth is a little pale at the prospect that HE now has a tumor. Why you always got to make it about you? Let's get to the notes, shall we?

On this week's show:

* Tom's mother-in-law ceiling collapse

* Ponytail man- Purple Kenny G 
* Mike from Spectrum 
* Internet hose
* "Hotshot whiz kid"
* Dan is confused with his stagxuality 
* Tom seasoning his Blackstone
* Stink buffalo
* Seth getting random packages sent to him
* No smoking Dunnigan
* Pain pill baby
* Angela- listener with hypochondria that got a brain tumor
* Keep my D in my gee
* See the slasher
Ok. Well, I'm gonna try and get out of early for once. Thanks for listening, folks! And special thanks to all of you that watch us LIVE on Twitch. www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive Is the place to be. 
See you Monday at the aforementioned website! Normally we're rolling around 10:30-11am. 
Direct download: SHOW628-MYDINMYGEE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EST