A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

What’s going on gang!

We hope this message finds you well and that you’re about to start enjoying your weekend. I’m about to load up the ladies and then we’re all going out to some pumpkin patch to look for pumpkins and yeah…all of that mess.

On this week’s show:

-Packed studio

-Infusing animal blood in a human

-Yellow Brick Road Foundation blood drive

-Tiffany calls in and tells us about her experience with Felmand’s Angels

-Tiff got Trumped in the cooler at Chili’s

-ZZ Topless

I am a very good bad boy

-Dan’s soundboard is taking over

-Joe Exotic

-Tom’s split dream

-Dan is sound effects midget

-Quantum Leap

-Bloody sphere


It was a fun one and we really, really hope that you enjoy it!

All the best and thanks for listening.


Direct download: Show389-QuantumTom.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm EDT