A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

It's back to normal at the old T & D Media home office. No guests this week and we're back to just the guys shooting the shiz. We were running s little late today and definitely started later and I think our punchiness shows that. Thanks as always for downloading and we hope that you enjoy this weeks show. 

On today's show:

Hamburger Helper

Hunger = Anger

Blind or Deaf?

"Lord of Sex"

Man Scale, 1-10

A call from Justice the gay lawyer

What's "The Never-ending Story?"

"Ross is being a being a serious grown up and bumming me out."

Tom can't by kids toys

A call from Britney the cam girl..uh…guy…uh…girl

A call from Seth Petruzelli - MMA Legend

"All Blessings Removed!"

#1 Albertson's Podcast

We'll see you guys in a week! Don't forget to rate us 5-stars on iTunes and to tell a friend!


Direct download: Show_166.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:39pm EDT

Exactly what it says...

Direct download: Tom_and_Dan_go_to_the_Pawn_Shop_EDIT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EDT

Thanks so much for the guys from the band Junior Doctor for hanging out with us. We love music and we've both been around a ton of bands but these guys above anything are genuine and super fun to hang with…you need to check them out and support these guys. They're on Warped Tour this summer so they just might be heading to a town near you! Make sure and let Mark, Richard, and Jarred know that you head them on the show! Check them out at JRDRMUsic.com and look for Dan in their new music video for their song "Uh Oh." He has a great mustache. 


On today's show:


Junior Doctor in studio.

Daniel VS Death.

Pill mills.

Asian Ghost hair girls.

Crazy…check. Fat…check.

Sex teachers.

Granny Bus Attack.

"Power Team Never Forgets.

JrDr Live song.

AMT Jingle!

"I control my diarrhea." 

"Cirque Style."

"Flush your butt."


Thanks as always for listening and be sure to check TomandDan.com to see when we have the new "Eat Your Peppers" shirts in. We're thinking that they're going to be done very, very soon…


All love,



Direct download: Show_165.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:18pm EDT

Thanks so much to our guest this week, comedian Pedro Lima. He's an amazing guy who's always been sweet to us…so in turn, we will always be sweet to him. (Look him up on Facebook and Twitter: @ricangorilla) Great dude. It never surprises me that we have an abundance of great talent in this area. It's right under your noses folks…you've just got to look for that shiz a little bit. It's not too hard to find. Thanks Pedro…we can't wait to have you back…


On today's show:


Pedro Lima LIVE in studio.

"Light Beer"

El Chupapodcast at RampantRadio.com

It's a Wonderful Life.

1978 Superman.

Comedy road trips.

"I don't want to be a God damn walking Ross."


No more sonograms on Facebook. Please.


Thanks again for checking out the show, guys. Make sure and be active on TomandDan.com because we paid a shit ton of music for that site! (Can't you tell…it's pretty f'n amazing, huh?) Thanks to all of you for downloading. It means more than you know. 


See you next week.



Direct download: Show_164.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am EDT

First and foremost, a very special thanks to Granny Vicki for allowing us to call her and for being on the show. If you don't know what we're talking about then you need to hang out until the third segment of the show. Truly one of the greatest moments in T&D history…our first granny interview.


On today's show:


Rupe…in studio.

A tour of Dan's house.

"I forgot about my Lambo."

Automatic Pancake maker.

Condoms and Bibles.


Bikers. What's up with that?

Kanye Shoes.


The Mediocre Trucker.

The first interview of "What's Shakin' Granny."

Hippie Granny Stories.


Thanks as always for listening…expect a new T&D shirt to be coming out in the next couple of weeks. We have an awesome design that will be "peppers" crazy.



Direct download: Show_163.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm EDT

Hello kids…thanks for downloading.


First things first…for those of you that were thinking about getting a shirt or a hat from www.TomandDan.com, you can now get double the shirts! Order one shirt or a hat and get a free Danger Brain shirt while supplies last! They're pretty rad shirt too…I've got one on right now! (Totally not kidding…) Thanks to Nate from www.Studio222Photography for not only shoot pictures of us today but also telling us a few photography stories. We'll put those pictures on the blog as soon as we can. Prepare to be impressed.

On today's show:

Dan's Twitter Fighter Glenn Hefner's son calls.

"Bring me the black towel."

"Air Force boot camp is basically kissing guys."

Ben from Atlanta

Marc Maron and Killer Beaz

The PO Box

Tom's Grandpa = Stoplight King

"What's Up Granny?"

Wedding Photographers are RIGHT!!!

Tom's lesbian wedding.


Thanks as always for listening and for taking the time to download and support us during this time. Don't forget about the extra shirts and we'll see you in a week!



Direct download: Show_162b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT