A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Hey, there podcast gang! 

We hope that this latest episode finds you and your family smack dab in the middle of one of the greatest holiday seasons that you've ever had! If it did not, then allow us to try and make you laugh and share some "holiday cheer" with you and turn that sh*t around! 

On this week's episode:

  • The wives are here! 
  • #RememberTheBowl
  • Tom has different sized feet 
  • Raccoon collusion 
  • Ice cream trucks
  • Boat hot dog man 
  • Crystal can’t whisper 
  • Tampon in the uber 
  • Tampon tutorial
  • Grating you butthole
  • Dusty turd crumbles
  • Bumbling Crumbler
  • Go live with the tampons
  • Tom the Bro-flake
  • Toxic Sock Syndrome
  • Lil' Firebally
  • Pedro Lima brought us coquet
  • Butler’s coupon fiasco
  • Richard calls in to ask Tom about joke advice


Thanks for hanging folks and don't forget that you can watch almost all episodes of AMT by heading over to our designated Twitch channel. www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive - almost everything is there (No BDM shows sadly because those are for members only. Sorry.) and with Amazon Prime, you get it commercial free just for already being a Prime subscriber. 

Happy New Year!


Direct download: Show502-ToxicSockSyndrome.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:46pm EST

Direct download: PreacherLawsonInterview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

It's almost Christmas, ya'll!?!?!!!

Is anyone else freaking out yet? I'm actually pretty excited because this is going to be the first full Christmas that I've got to experience with a child who actually knows what the hell is going on. I'm stoked. With that said, it's a decent amount of stress too, you know, keeping up all of the lies. Kidding. But I am really excited about a little bit of time off, some time with the family, and above all, some online "Red Dead Redemption 2!" (BTW - if you're on Xbox One and you're playing, look for me. My Gamertag is "AMediocreDan.") 

Thanks to all of you who listen, who download, who purchase our merch, and to all of you who consistently participate and make all of our shows what they are. You guys are the finest listeners that anyone could ever have and I'm blown away by the engagement and fun that we all have on a daily basis. Oh, and don't forget that all shows are on Twitch. If you're not sure what Twitch is, it's a streaming service that allows you to watch us recording the show LIVE from AMT Studio 3. Find almost all of our older LIVE shows HERE: www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive - Most all "A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan" shows are on there. All comedian interviews and all Friday Free Shows are on there too. It's a fun added companion to us just recording a show in the studio; you get to see all of our expressions, how we react to certain comments and a decent amount of head shaking and eye-rolling from Samantha. Hahaha... And if you're an Amazon Prime member, you can use your already purchased subscription to watch us LIVE with zero commercials messing up your feed. The best part about that is that it's completely free, does not cost you a dime, and it put a very small amount of money back into the show so we can tighten up recording equipment and put a little money in Juan's pocket for all of the hard work that he's done for us regarding Twitch. 

On this week's show:

  • White Christmas
  • Tiffany almost died during her wedding potshot
  • Tiffany is getting into the edible business 
  • Too high for boners
  • Kirk Murray stops by
  • Nerd-off with Busdeker and Kirk
  • Kirk is opening a restaurant
  • Tom and Vann guarantee
  • Tom’s gift from Dan: Cheese Melter
  • Daniel is an emotional goat 
  • Booby traps

Well, gang, that's about it from us until next Friday. (We should be doing a show as normal on the 28th.) From all of us at T&D Media, we hope that you and your family have nothing short of a stellar holiday!!! No matter what you celebrate, we wish you the best and loads and loads of fellowship with all of those that you love. Tom and I have some pretty huge things in the works for 2019 and we're excited to be able to share those with you as soon as we can. 

Take care and be safe out there!

Direct download: Show501-WhiteTrashChristmas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: TomRhodesInterview3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:51pm EST

Hey there, kids!

How's your Friday going? Obviously, Tom and I hope that things are well for you and we were super stoked about today's 500th episode of "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan." Yeah - we can't believe it either and we were really inspired for trying to bring you guys something a little bit different in the form of this milestone of an episode. 

Normally, we would do a full extravaganza, bring all of the favorites in, do a smaller version of "Black Christmas," - you know the drill. BUT - we decided that the best thing to do and the most creative thing would be to take it back to how we did things back on the very first show. Tom - Dan and just shooting the show. I will warn you guys that Tom and I both get a little serious on this episode and I'm really glad that we did. There's no way that we can ever repay you guys or make you feel the way that we do when you show up at events, purchase merch, and all-around just support the show. So, without further ado, here's a very, very heartfelt 500th show.


Direct download: Show500-500thShow_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: FrankieQuinonesInterview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

"From the hosts of the award-winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies."

Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EST

Good morning, folks! I hope these show notes find you well. :)

It's "cooking breakfast" time here in the Dennis house. I'm mixing up some pancakes and Mai is acting out a bit - so it's reasonably apparent that it's going to be a pretty long day. As is life with a 3-year-old, I guess. 


Thanks to all of you who were able to catch the show live today on Twitch. (If you're not already familiar, you can watch almost all of our shows at www.Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive


On this week's show:

  • Tom thinks he discovered White Privilege
  • Tom rides the Sunrail
  • Busdeker ate goat head soup
  • Editors skewing stories
  • Toys for t*ts
  • Lil' Onion and Heavy Pickle
  • Sex at your family’s house
  • Bra Technology
  • Elvis in the military


Thanks, as always, for downloading and supporting the show. Next week is our big 500th show. Tom and I have been putting a lot of thought into what we would like to do, and I think that we finally have it dialed in. It's a dream job for us to talk to you guys and have fun with you and I hope you know how much it means to us that you download and listen. 

All the best and we'll talk to you on Monday,


Direct download: Show499-LilOnionandHeavyPickle.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

"From the hosts of the award-winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies." 

Direct download: AGGTM-TOMMANAGEMENT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST