A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Oh hey there,

Didn’t see you walk in. Lee here with some show notes for this week. Tom has been away for what feels like months and I don’t remember what Daniel looks like but I did beat South Park: The Fractured But Whole so I’m using my time wisely (I used the treadmill too). Our big BDM event is next Saturday, so that’ll fun. After that, we have the Cruise and then our super secret 9th Anniversary show. Can’t wait till we reveal all the info for that one.




*Daniel is Stress-Free

*Zombies hate Deltona

*Tom Lotto Sh*t Mouth

*Tar Pits

*SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE: Shania Twain from 1997


This was recorded over multiple days so trying to remember all that was quite painful for my brain. I’m off to St. Pete to see Black Label Society, Corrosion of Conformity and Red Fang.

See you all next week,


Direct download: Show455-DontImpressMeMuch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Hi everyone,

Lee here. My last post was magically deleted so let's pretend this is my first time writing on the site. Long week of recording as Tom is going to be away for 9 days. That means in 10 days we're gonna have some stories of bumbling and bad decisions. I'm headed to Porky's with Sam and gonna treat myself after 2 weeks of eating like a grown-up who is also poor and single. The treadmill hurt my back so I guess exercise hates me as much as just laying in bed.


-Ms. Laura Diaz is here! Face of a feminist

-Nanny life

-Jackin my molars

-4 hot dogs, 1 bun

-Pretty Willy

-Toot toot goes the clit train

-Crystals are stupid

-Tom’s failed rocket launch experience


Here's a little bonus for you. I've attached the video of those damn raccoons ruining Tom's hard work...that he used to pay for someone to lay concrete.


Thanks for reading. Remember to be good and listen to Little Richard!


Direct download: Show454-4Hotdogs1Bun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: CarlosMenciaInterview5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

From the hosts of the award-winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies.

Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Oh hey, guys,

It's Lee here. Helping take some workload off the guys so I'll be taking over the posts for the page. I was going to post about how great Dan Marino and Simpsons quotes but Daniel thought that was a bad idea. (I have a ton of those). Anyways, I'm rambling...I'm gonna play some Xbox One while I walk on my fancy new treadmill (Thanks, Sam!) The show was a ton of fun today and really went off the walls. Chris Fisher from BYOCB and his intern stopped by, we spoke to an OLDDDDDDD friend of the show and I finally got us on the Eagle's new show.


-Dan dyed his beard

-Erik Weber calls in

-Horty Torty

-I’ve never made muffins in my entire life

-Hair caught in foreskin

-Catching greased pigs

-Suicide Meat

-That’s a lotta cats!

-Tom’s bundle of raccoons

-Duck McStuffins

-We call the Jim Colbert show

-Dick Titty


Hope you all have a solid weekend and don't have a full frog freakout like yours truly. Peace and love, stay in school and listen to Black Sabbath.

(British) Lee

Direct download: Show453-DuckMcStuffins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: JohnCaparuloInterview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm EST

"From the hosts of the award-winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies."

Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST

I'm obviously awful at this. 

In an attempt to NOT say the phrase "full transparency" I'm just going use the hashtag "#RealTalk" instead. So here's the deal; when we get done with the show on Friday's, we're all taxed and ready to go home. I always think that I'm going to be able to make my show notes later that night but then the family aspect of life gets in the way, and then life moves on. I'm sorry guys. I've just got to be better at show notes. 


On this week's show:

-Elevator IBS lady

-North Korea - full ballistics

-The Dennis family spent New Years Day at the Vann’s

-Andrea caught Dan wacking it

-Tom can’t use Google calendar

-Old lady and her grass

-Sour cream squeeze tube

-Life is hard

-Twisty ass hairs


-Curb stomp the ass

-Sticking things in orifices 

-Fast food trends of 2018

-Fast food Jesus is here aka Alex from BYOCB podcast


Thanks to all of you for listening and Tom and I hope that you're digging the Twitch.tv streams as well. We've been having a good time with it, and it's sort of where everything is heading. 

All the best and we'll be talking to you!


Direct download: Show452-TwistyButtHairs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: ChrisReddInterview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST

From the hosts of the award-winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies.

Direct download: AGGTM-REALTALK.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EST