Sat, 28 July 2012
Welcome to show #170 of "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!" Can you believe it? We started the show on time today…partly because we'd like to welcome all of the tons of people that were helping us beta test our new Android version of the "MediocreApp." Thanks to all of you that were there helping us test the stream and trouble shoot this thing. MediJocre has really been working his ass off on it (in-between actually having a life, a job, and a family) and it looks like we're only a few weeks away from having it ready to go! Thanks again…to MediJocre and to the "scumbags" that downloaded and gave him respectful feedback. If you haven't already ordered a shirt, you're going to want to get on it. The "Eat Those Peppers" shirts are flying out of here and we're really starting to whittle down the sizes. Ladies - we still have a good amount for you and the feedback so far from other ladies that purchased has been fantastic! Thanks again for your support and orders, guys! It means more than you guys will ever know that this thing has gotten this BIG! On today's show: Caesar is in studio because he has a tummy ache Merch @ Kids at the Regatta Crazy lines at Jerimiah's "Splinter Tounge" Seattle Chat Christopher "God" "I ate the d*ck pencil too." "If it's not Big Brother or porno I don't watch it." Garlic Bread Pizza Thanks for everything guys and we'll see you in a week! dan |
Fri, 20 July 2012
Welcome to the one hundred and sixty-ninth show of "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan." If you were looking for this show to be posted earlier in the day, then we're really, really sorry. Tom had a prior commitment but as to make sure that we got a show in today we just decided to move everything back a few hours. A few things that are important: The "Eat Those Peppers" shirts are now in and currently my wife is picking them up so they're hot off the press. These shirts will be posted in the mech section at as well as a special "combo edition" that you can buy that will include a very limited amount of the new Tom and Dan "Pepper Mugs." (You might have seen these on the website a while back.) It's a giant coffee mug with both a hot girl eating her peppers and the Tom and Dan logo on both the front and the back. There are ONLY 24 of these so you're going to have to act fast if you've got your eyes on one of them. We will also have a few of the very limited Tom and Dan "Some of my best friends are boat cops…" cozies for sale too but these are extremely limited too! Thanks as always for downloading and supporting us…it truly means more than you know. On today's show: Where's Gordo? We have ladies shirts! Tiff @ The Abbey TONIGHT! Wipeout @ Lake Conway Real Man Advice "Real men don't lie…" The N word of the future "Taboo" porn audio Cathy = married to son How Dare You = Great band A call from Andy Treehorn The Jesus App Thanks for listening and we'll see you next week for show #170! dan |
Fri, 13 July 2012
Thanks as always for downloading and hanging with "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan." This week we say goodbye to the best guest that we've ever had…Tiffany Martin of the band Dollface. Most of you that know what our day job is will know that we've worked with Tiff for almost 10 years and she's leaving Orlando to head to LA to work on things with her band. We wish her nothing of the best and we were more than happy to have her in the T & D studio one last time to say goodbye. We've talked to tons of people in our time but no one is better, funnier, or cooler than Tiffany. Thanks Tiff…Tom and I will miss you with all of our hearts. Truly. On today's show: "Anger Bees" a brand new song @TiffWorld LIVE in the studio Tiffany Takes LA Dollhouse-cam "Boom Snap Clap" Tiffany and Dollface at the Abbey July 20th…be there! High thinking… PO Box 141485, Orlando, FL 32814 Porn at the library Thanks as always for listening! The "Anger Bees" shirts have been ordered and should be in stock next week. Plus we're going to have new stickers and a few other surprises for you guys. Thanks for listening… dan |
Sat, 7 July 2012
I was getting back from vacationing in St. Augustine Beach today so I really wan't in the mood to do a show. Now, that's not to say that i don't love it…I do…but I was still on "Island Time" so setting up the studio and getting my head on straight was super difficult for some reason. Without really a plan of attack, we wandered down the path of the "wild-man." It just so happens that the "wild-men" were out today and they called our show repeatedly to tell us about how it is being the wildest of the male species. We also had Tony Rage from the band "A Dying Regime" in to talk about the tour that they're leaving for on Saturday. Make sure and check them out if you haven't already…awesome band!
On today's show:
Vacation A house arrest call from Chris Live like you're dying? "Rocks is Rocks." Put a little ranch on your BH Who sleeps naked? Putting my mouth on your waste organs. Suck a big fat T = the story. Making out with fat chicks
Thanks as always for the support and for downloading. All that we ask is that you offer the show up to one of your friends that might not have heard of it before. Believe it or not but there are still plenty of people that don't even know that we do this on Fridays for fun. Help us out by educating a person about "A Mediocre Time."
dan |