A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Tomorrow ended up being Monday but hey, I'm doing it at least. Haha...


Hey, there gang! Dan, coming at you from AMTStudio3. As I try to dig through all of the tragic news that seems to be coming in about the shooting in Las Vegas, I figured a nice distraction would be for me to finally finish this past Friday's show notes. Sigh. So that's where we're at. I will tell you this though - Tom and I are dedicated more than ever to trying to help all of us forget about all of this bullsh*t that seems to be swirling around us lately. That means that you're not really going to hear us address stuff like this on the show. We all need a break from the stress so we're going to stick with what we think we know best and just try to make you laugh. 

So, on this past Friday's show:

-Jimmy 159 is here!

-Souper Duper event

-Fast forward to earlier

-Tom thought he was having a heart attack

-Tom was “having a problem”

-Jimmy is coming on the T&D Cruise!!

-Mr. Egg and the Little Girl

-Jimmy recaps his Washington trip

-Lee’s Eagles of Death Metal experience

-Firetruck soup

-Lou P. Hole


It's always so freaking cool when we can have Jimmy in on the show. Most of you already know this, but Jimmy being on the show - back on old Show #159 was a very pivotal moment for the show. As we define it, it was the time that we truly knew that we were ruffling people's feathers so much that there was no other option for us. We knew that we were going to have to do this for our careers and well, here we are. 


Ok, guys. Nothing but love to you all. To all of our Las Vegas listeners, please know that we are with you. Orlando knows what this feels like and our energy - our love - and all of our thoughts are with you now as you try to figure out why people do such awful things. 

All the best,


Direct download: Show438-TakeThatHeartAttack.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: KountryWayneInterview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am EST

From the hosts of the award winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

Go! - T&d

Category:general -- posted at: 11:43pm EST

"From the hosts of the award winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies."

Direct download: AGGTM-WHITEHORSE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm EST

Hopefully, I'll have enough time to fill this out for you guys tomorrow. - d

Direct download: Show436-TheCottonRhino.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

This show is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, if the title includes the word "Interview" and then a proper name, you can pretty much bet that's exactly what you're going to get. In this day and age, most everything requires a "description." We don't believe in that. Just call us old school. It might also be one of our many special features or bonus shows. Wouldn't a perfect description of it sort of ruins the surprise of releasing a new and special show for you? Or we might just be being completely lazy - you'll never know. We hope that you enjoy the show and thanks, as always, for the love and support! - t&d

Direct download: BruceBruceinterview2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm EST

"From the hosts of the award winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies."

Direct download: AGGTM-KNIFETHEDOG.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

Direct download: TDMegaMix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

Tomorrow. - d

Direct download: Show435-ShakeYourLungBags.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:22pm EST

From the hosts of the award winning podcast “A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan” and Orlando’s Best Radio Show “A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan” comes a brand new broadcasting concept – “A Gentleman’s Guide To Manliness” (AGGTM). Combining forces with attorney, musician, and style powerhouse Steven Kramer, AGGTM is a weekly lifestyle based show that tackles all elements of the modern gentleman’s life. From what to wear to what to say, AGGTM tackles everything that makes being a man the second best thing in the world. We’ll leave number one to the ladies.

Direct download: AGGTM-BIGDIAPER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm EST

Hey there gang! 

Happy weekend and I hope this episode write-up finds you well! Me and Andrea are about to pull the trigger on the "Ultimate Pancake" recipe that's on the back of the Bisquick box. Who the f*&^ knows if it's going to be any good or not - but we're gunna do it. (If you know the absolute best way to make pancakes, email me: dan@tomanddan.com - I'd love to hear what works best for you!)

Yesterday was a heavy recording day! Tom, Samantha, Lee and I are going to be taking off Monday for a bit of family Labor Day fun, so we had to get a few shows in the can. Most of you already know this, but that means that we need to pre-record an ACT for Monday, a BDM show for all of you amazing BDM members, and an OG plus 1 rereleased older show. For a lot of people, that would be an uncomfortable amount of recording. It's funny because for me and TC, that's next to nothing. Here's a fun fact; if I remember correctly, me and TC have recorded in upwards of 6-7 shows in one day. I believe that was back when we were preparing for the birth of my daughter. Som much in fact that when we got done, we both collapsed on the studio couch with a beer in our hands and said that our heads hurt! True story. 

I think that recording for that long has an interesting effect on the show. It's almost as if we get warmed up and more silly after recording more than normal. Yesterday's Friday Free Show was just that; more silly than normal and we hope that you all have as much fun as we did recording it. (Also, I think that you BDM members are going to really enjoy the BDM shows too. We were really in rare form and the BDM show was completely off the rails!)

On this week's show: 

-Bubba calls for help. (Bad idea!)

-Tom tries to hook up Tuddle and Bubba as roommates

-90’s-O-meter is off the charts

-Corpus crispy

-Muffington Huffington and Rapefruit Grapefruit



-Tree frogging

-Grinding out a grumpy

-Yell your dreams

-Wheelies over his junk

Well, that's about it for all of us, folks. Tom and I hope that you have a truly amazing holiday weekend and please stay safe out there. I know that we talk a lot about beers and drinking but please know that with all of that said, we want you to be safe. Don't take stupid chances and ruin yours or someone else life. Call the Uber - or text or Facebook me! I'll call it for you! 

Have a wonderful Labor Day and we'll see you next week! 


Direct download: Show434-GrindingOutaGrumpy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm EST