A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

So we had Brandon T. Jackson on the show today. We've really fallen into an awesome groove with the comedians that we've have in on the show lately. Thanks so much to The Orlando Improv for providing the rides over to the studio and for making these great interviews happen. If you really like what we're doing, if you really like the fact that we're having all of these great comedians in on the show, then you owe it to the Improv to head out there and take in a comedy show. Trust us when we tell you that you will LOVE the venue and LOVE all of the great comics that they bring to Orlando.

If that wasn't enough, we were lucky enough to have our friend Brian or Bull from the BS on the show today! We knew that this guy was still in the market and we're more than happy to know that he's doing so well! We hope that you all enjoy today's show and make sure that you check out TomandDan.com for all of the new merch that we 're offering at this time. Lambo tanks are back in stock we also have the new "P-Admiral" shirt that will more than likely never be printed again. (It's for animals.)

Have a great weekend, guys and we'll see you next week!



Direct download: Show261-BrandonTJackson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05pm EST

It's more than amazing having Jeff Howell on the show for a second time. We know that we sort of drug our feet a bit when we invited him for the first appearance and we damn didn't want to wait that long again. Jeff is a great friend and one of the people we miss the most from our times at Real Radio.

On a bit of a side note, all of the info regarding our 5 year anniversary "Soulabration" were released yesterday to BDM Members. This in no way means that our event is BDM only. I repeat, THIS IS AN EVERYONE IS INVITED EVENT. I just wanted to make sure and give that to all of you in writing so there's no question or issues. And yes, the event is at Ember in downtown Orlando and is on May 17th at 7pm. And yes, it is 100& FREE! You'll have to wait just a touch to get all the rest of the details but I assure you that you're really going to like it. (I might or might not have accidentally mis-scheduled a Tweet that went out Thursday night that had all of the information in it. For those of you that saw that, you can't thank technology and me not wearing my glasses for that one. Oh well!) There have also been a few people that say they did not get the info sent to them and they know for a fact that they're BDM members in good standing. (Gross. Only animals stand. Kidding.) If this is the case, please shot an email to Show@TomandDan.com and I'll look into that for you. Ok. Here we go!

On today's show:

Shout Out to P-nut

Dead Dad's Club

Mucus Plug

Dad Burps

The Bread Basket

Nanny Tales

D Gun

Tim - Juggalo Power

"Too Small to Even Care."

The Clam Hammer

Watching People Waste Time

To Catch a Pedophile

5 Year Anniversary

Mush The Horse

As always, major love and thanks to all of our guests for stopping by and being a part of the show. Also major love and thanks to all of you that download, listen live, buy the merch, show up to the events, and tell your friends about the show. Tom and I have a bit more news to share with you but alas we really can't talk about it just yet. We really think you're going to like it though and we're chomping at the bit to tell all of you. See, that's the best thing about this job. You guys are all part of it and are all part of the success of what we do. Even though we know that we're a very small upstart and we have a ton to do and learn, we're completely lucky to have each and every one of you around for the ride. We hope that you're getting a kick out of the entertainment that we provide and trust me when I tell you that this is only the beginning. 

See you next week!




Direct download: Show260-OurDadsAreDead.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:07pm EST

Thanks so much to all of you who tuned in today and by tuned in I mean people that used your free "Mediocre App" to stream the show to your mobile device. Today was a frigg'n blast!

We start the entire show off with an amazingly awesome and eye opening interview with tour (soon to be retired) comedian "The Amazing Jonathan." I'm sure almost all of you will remember this guy from the late 80's and early 90's. Thanks so much to the Orlando Improv for bringing him by the studio so we could do a full 45 minute sit down with him. Trust us when we tell you that you're not going to want to miss the stories that he told us. A crazier interview we have never had! Thanks again to Jonathan for being such a great guest and we hope to talk to him again in the near future. That was only the beginning. 

On today's show:

The Amazing Jonathan Interview

Ross' is mad at Tom & Dan for "Comic Blocking"

Ross' News

Congo Robot Traffic Cop

P-Riot Gets Whipped

Andrew Allen Interview - the guy who makes our themes! Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com or at bit.ly/jazzhero

Jimmy #159 checks back in for #259

Thanks again to all of you for checking out the show, telling your friends, and for the constant support. We're in need of more BDM members to help keep this thing going. If you're not already getting the 2 extra shows a week, 2 free parties a year, and other excluding BDM shiz…head on over to TomandDan.com and make it happen! We'll do our best to make you love every minute of it!

All the best,


Direct download: Show259-The_Amazing_Show2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

Direct download: Show258-ChampagneTiff2.0.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm EST