A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.
Direct download: ACT_Best_Of_4-13_through_4-17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:20am EST

Wow. It's a wild time, right? I know that I say that a lot, but it seems important to me at times that we're all having to deal with that! Does anyone else think this is odd? Anyone? I digress:

* Last day/night of cruises

* The Wet Slit

* Is "cuck" racist?

* Butler's Star Wars poster investment

* Petey Posters

* Tom tried to install a boat stereo

* Jenna Hirt calls in 

* Mail on male

* Shop class

* Dan's griddle

* "Don't griddle your pubes!"

* Tom's manscaping

* Power for the pubes

If you need me, I'll be with my griddle. 

All love, folks! 


Direct download: Show568-PettyPosters-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

Nothing but the best. - d

Direct download: ACT_Best_Of_4-6_through_4-10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am EST


Hey there, gang! 

Did you know that you can watch the show? We broadcast LIVE on Twitch, and all flagship shows are edited and then re-released on YouTube for those that love the video component of the show.

You can find us on Twitch HERE: www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive

You can find us on YouTube HERE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMediocreTime


Before we get to the notes, here's how to find us! 

Other podcasts aggregates or scrapers:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-show

TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/

iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH


* Loud pipes saves lives

* Tom's telemedicine call

* Dan put porn in the background of doc call

* Onward- Tom says it's too sad

* Puddle of Mudd's Nirvana cover

* Drunkbo

* KC and JoJo cover Stevie Wonder

* Animal Crossing

* Tom Exotic- Hot Tub King

* Quality cuzz

* Big Tim calls in about moving the hot tub

* Do they float? T*ts n Tubs


I'm tired. Normally, I would write so much more for you...but I've had it. (Nothing at all due to what's going on...just actually tired.) I wish you the best weekend ever and thanks for taking the time to hit that play button and share our show with your friend. It truly means more than you know. Thank you. - d

Direct download: Show567-QualityCooz-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Direct download: TravisPastrana-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

The best of the best or worst (depending on how you look at it) of our radio show - "A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan." - d

Direct download: ACTBestOf3-30through4-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Hey there, gang! 

Did you know that you can watch the show? We broadcast LIVE on Twitch, and all flagship shows are edited and then re-released on YouTube for those that love the video component of the show.

You can find us on Twitch HERE: www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive

You can find us on YouTube HERE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMediocreTime


Before we get to the notes, here's how to find us! 

Other podcasts aggregates or scrapers:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-show

TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/

iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH


On this week's show:

* Tom ruined Easter

* Crystal calls in 

* Kids on Zoom calls

* Shower glass update

* Troy Bieber and Littler Wayne

* The Butt Math 

* Tom's deformed bicep 

* Creatine shampoo

* Bum Baconator 

* Quarantine cribs with Tuddle

* "The chemo tightened up my mom"- Tuddle

* Trunk trash 

* Deniable plausibility 

* Sh*t woosh 

* Pablo Xannybar

* XFL folded

* Brady said Gronk has an amazing penis

* Animal Crossing talk 

* Tommy is Tizzo 

...so that's about it. Wow...what a week, and we would not have been able to make it through it if it had not been for the BDM community. Seriously. Every time that I pop in there, I'm ready to see some friendly faces, make a joke, and clear my mind. Thank you for all that you are. And on that note, I've got to go home and see what we've got left in the freezer because we've been good and trying to avoid going to the store. Heads up, folks! We're all in this together! - d

Direct download: Show566-TroyBieberLittlerWayne-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST

All the best from a week's worth of "a Corporate TIME" shows. (Me thinks that this one is out of order. Apologies. I think I got mixed up.) - d

Direct download: ACT_Best_Of_3-16_through_3-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:19am EST

Hey there, gang! 

Did you know that you can watch the show? We broadcast LIVE on Twitch, and all flagship shows are edited and then re-released on YouTube for those that love the video component of the show.

You can find us on Twitch HERE: www.twitch.tv/tomanddanlive

You can find us on YouTube HERE: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMediocreTime


Before we get to the notes, here's how to find us! 

Other podcasts aggregates or scrapers:

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan/id308614478

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-podcast/a-mediocre-time-with-tom-and-dan-show

TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy/A-Mediocre-Time-with-Tom-and-Dan-Podcast-p393884/

iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-a-mediocre-time-with-tom-30696640/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0IMs3hgNDuD6qI8ldHMWvH


On this week's show:

* Tom's sparing the beans

* Selling titty pics

* Aim for the silverfish 

* BDM with COVID-19 calls in 

* Susie- worked at a big cat rescue and knew Carole Baskin

* Awards shows should be like the Mark Twain awards

* Spring break stories

* Animal Crossing

* Tom-vana

* Dan almost got hit by a car

* Voicemails

* Caller gets BUI


Look...we know that it's strange out there. You have my promise that I'm always going to do whatever I can to make you guys laugh. 100%. This is pretty much my most favorite thing to do - aside from spending time from the family. You guys are our family. So many of the BDM members have become friends, and I think that's what I like the most about what we've created. I've said this before, and I'll repeat it...if you or a loved one require anything, please hit me up, and I'll see if I can make it happen. We're a big "scumbag" family here, and it would indeed be my pleasure. 

Well, it's off to see the family. 

All the best, wash those hands, and stay inside folks! 


Direct download: Show565-AimForSilverfish-FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST

❤️ - d

Direct download: AGGTM-TRASHBARONLY.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43pm EST