A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.
Direct download: Show_214.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

I'll update this later...

Direct download: Show_213.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

On today's "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan"…well…it's not really "today's" with the fact that it's been pre-recorded. Dan is heading to Washington D.C. to crap his pants on a plane and Tom is on his way to the Bahamas to go on a scuba expedition. So this show was recorded on Wednesday of this week but we assure you that it's just as "Mediocre" as any other show that we've done. Ross gives us news, we talk to a couple that work in the circus, and then we chat with a guy who's a correctional officer. (We'd love to give you more notes about this show but Ross didn't give Dan any and had to leave early so…there's that.)

Thanks to Rachel and Aaron from the circus for calling in. Thanks to Ross for his news. Thanks to our friend Jenna for baking us cooking and dropping by the show to hang with us. Tom and I will see you when we get back from our trips. Pray for me. I hate planes.


Direct download: Show_212.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

Today's show was the thing that dreams are made of. Two hot guys that talk for a living combined with some of the most amazing beers that you've ever had EVER. Combine that with amazing news from Ross and you have one of the best shows that we've ever had ever. (Or that just might be the beer talking.) Thanks to Lucas from Cigar City Brewing, Alissa and Jarred from Brown Distributing for stopping by and giving us the 411 on American Craft Beer week which starts this Monday. Make sure and get your mouth's ready for some good a$$ beers! 

On today's show:

Gay Chicken

Jack Lemon

Maine Rappers

All about Peru

Santa Muerte

Gator Attacks


"Dead Giveaway"

Gray Raft?


Craft Beer Week

"The Magic Box"

Florida Beer Tasting

"Your artwork screams "good beer."

Beer Sprite

Tony Rage Lifts Beers All Day

Beer Chat with Tom and Dan



Squid and Tiger Penis

Thanks to all of you that listen and have been listening for quite some time. Tom and I have a blast doing this but mainly we get off on the fact that so many people seen to like the show. If you DO like the show and you're looking for something that you can do to help us out, please subscribe on iTunes and rate us 5-stars. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that there are those of you that dispose iTunes with a passion but as of right now, they are the best way for new and homegrown podcasts to get their names out there on the internet for FREE. We pay nothing to be on there and if we're rated highly it means nothing but free promotion. So…that's why you always hear us asking for you guys to subscribe and to rate us highly on iTunes.

Thanks os much and we'll see you guys in a week!


Direct download: Show_211.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Show #210 - Funky Bunch and Emergency Whiskey

Thanks to all of the "scumbags" that tuned in LIVE for today's show. We had a great show and tons of fun hanging with Ross, Pedro Lima, Samantha, Floridaldo, and our special guest Attorney Joe Hunchuck. (If you need some legal advice, hit him up. Joseph Hunchuck P.A. He's a former sheriff deputy and seems to be a nice guy. Thanks to him for coming in and hanging out.) Today's show was frigg'n amazingly funny. We hope you have as much fun as we did today!

On today's show:

What am I thinking right now?


Reese Witherspoon-American Citizen

News Lasers from Ross

100 Angry Sherpas

Emergency Whiskey

Kill the Kids Before Anything Goes Wrong

Carmen Morales live from Iowa

Funky Bunchin'!

Thanks again to all of you that subscribe to the show on iTunes. I know a good deal of you are NOT fans of the iTunes and that's cool. Just know that if you do download and leave us a 5-star review that it really, really, really does help us out. We get on the front page of iTunes and that helps us get a bunch of new people listening to the show.

All love,


Direct download: Show_210.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST