Fri, 27 December 2013
Hey there kids… Thanks to all of you for tuning into the show and for taking the time to download the podcast! It really does mean more to use than you know. Today was the first show Tom has done since becoming a FREE man and we had a sh*t ton of fun doing it. On today's show: Tom & Dan Straight Talk with Chuck Gallagher B-holes VS Vagines Catching up with Tim, Tom's brother The Jewish Sailboat Real Man THE Gummies Miley does the Al Bundy Betty Bolts Girls vs Push-ups Listener's Worst Christmas Gifts Thanks to all of you for tuning into the "Friday FREE Show." We know that most of you already know this but if you'd like 2 extra shows per week, please check out the BDM Shows that we offer at You're going to get one brand new show plus one "golden classic" show that we did a few years ago and had to take down because of…well…we won't get into that. At least not for now. :) Have a great week! BDM's, we'll see you Monday and "Free-showers" we'll see you in a week!
dan |
Fri, 20 December 2013
Fri, 13 December 2013
Hey kids and thanks again for tuning into another "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan" Friday FREE Show. Today was pretty f'n great these's been so much going on lately, I'm almost surprised that we've even been able to put a frigg'n show together! Oh, and you'll be happy to know that we have a brand new "Tom & Dan Straight Talk" for you, as well as a few guests up our sleeves. On today's show: Bad @ Business Slender Man Wife Bullying Parody Songs "The Frog" Tom's Redneck Tip of the Week Joseph and Jessie Lennon Tribute Concert Release the Demons Thanks to all of you for listening and we really hope that you dug this weeks show! There's lots going on in the Tom & Dan camp and we're really looking to sharing everything new with you guys in the weeks to come. We'll see you guys next week! dan |
Fri, 6 December 2013
What else do you really need to know other than the fact that we basically had creator and continuing "punk rock royal court" member, Jerry Only of the Misfits completely highjack our show? Pretty cool, huh? We also debut a brand new feature on the show called "Tom & Dan Straight Talk" where you get to see a little bit more serious side of both of us. (Or do you?) We think you're really, really, really going to enjoy it. Special thanks again to Mr. Jerry Only, Ross, and Samantha for doing such a great job with the show today and Tom and I will see you guys next week! Have a great weekend! dan |