A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

Welcome to show number 2 hundred and 40 of "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan!" There's no need today for a big list of what we talked about today. Basically the concept of today's show was that we were going to call all of our friends and relatives and see what they were doing the day before Thanksgiving. 

We'll see how well that works out.

Thanks for listening and supporting the show. Please be safe and we'll see you guys next week!


Direct download: Show_240_-_Thanksgiving_with_Friends.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

Thanks to everyone for tuning in today. It's the eve of our biggest event of the year and I really don't feel like typing more than just what we talked about today. Why? Well…let's see…Tom and I have been working our butts off all week to make sure that we all have a fantastic event. I've also got a brand new Xbox One up on the 17th floor with my name on it and I really want to check that out and see what it's all about. Sorry…just tired and need to have a little relaxation time before tomorrow. On that note…

On today's show:

Waffle House

Huffing and Puffington Post

Lucky Duck or Five Bucks?

"Clash of Clans" is ruining my life!

"Go to" drinking food

Orlando City Soccer News

Dick Professor

Food Coloring Changes Your Poop

Call to Zach (My Sister)

Tom's Trash Problem

DRugg is here!

Fatherly advice from DRugg

How to pack your gun

Strip Clubs

Thanks as always for listening and we hope to see all of you out at Johnny's Other Side tomorrow night!


Direct download: Show_239_-_Sweatpants_and_Your_Wifes_Sister.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

It's been a really, really, really long time of trying to get him him…but this week…we finally were able to get the legendary Jeff Howell on the show! 

That's not true. 

We didn't ask him and I can't really remember why we didn't other than it was just a massive over site on our part and for that we are sorry. Jeff's name has popped up quite a few times as a guest and for whatever reason it just didn't happen. I'm not really sure why because today…Jeff hit it out of the park! He's funny as all hell and his stories are always amazing. Truly. Major thanks to Jeff Howell for taking time out of his "not so busy" schedule to come in and do the show. We'll have you back in another 4 years.

On today's show:

Jeff is here!

Growing up with Blackie

Boxing for the white kids

The origins of "Clutch"

Steve from "Lake" Forrest calls in

Dog Tricks

Threesome Talk

Johnny from Johnny's Fillin' Station

DJ Squirrel

Naughty Lemon Splash

Gilloutine's Island

Thanks to all of you for listening to the show and we'll see you guys all at Johnny's Other Side for "Snootsgiving: Real Man Fest 2013! This is going to be our greatest event yet!


Direct download: Show_238_-_Jeff_Howell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

Thanks so much for downloading today's podcast! You guys are the best! This was one of the absolute most fun shows that we've done on a Friday in a really long time! Most of the time we take very little time to plan out everything that's going to go on during the show BUT with that said, today's show was a complete exception! No, no, no, no really! We actually planned out today's show with tons of guests, new music (from D-Rugg), and all kinds of other amazing goodness.

On today's show:

Sofa and Suds - this Sunday - Sanford

Tom gets bullied

Richie Incognito = Dick Indisguise

Jacking: The Debate

Dan Host's SNL

No more asteroid talk!

Wife jerky

Tom & Dan Apocalypse

An ant update

"Java the Hut" Coffee House

Talking with Bruce about the NFL

Tom, an old man, and a Cobra Mustang

Tom & Dan get interviewed

Cannonball Run Champion - Ed Bolian

Thanks to all of you for downloading, listening, and rating us 5-stars on iTunes. Without you guys, we are nothing. Well, that's not entirely true but there would be no way that we would be able to afford to do this podcast and produce it for all 17 of you. You guys are amazing with your support and whatnot. Truly. We'll see you at Sofa and Suds on Sunday!


Direct download: Show_237_-_Cannonball_Fun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:51pm EST

There's really not much to say about today's show other than the fact that it was an "All-Star" show. Not only did Tuddle stop by to hang with us but resident VO wizard and creative genius Dan Stone stopped by today to hang out for our Friday Free Show.

Here's a picture of Tom, Dan and me…with all of the plaques that we received from the Orlando Weekly for our multitude of awards. 


We're f*cking awesome.


Direct download: Show_236_-_Tom_VS_Ross_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST