A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

We have a completely EXTRA loaded show for you guys today! In case you were wondering about our awesome friend, Tiffany Martin from the band "Dollface", well…we've got the scope! Make sure and listen to the first hour of the show completely dedicated to #AMT's greatest guest EVER! (This was decided over many, many beers and many events where Tiffany helped us out. He's truly a wonderful person…friend for life!) Please support her: @TiffWorld  on Twitter and HERE on Facebook. Thanks to our friend Earl Funk from Trinity Tattoo for coming in and discussing graffiti and tattoos with us. He's rad…support him. 

We'll see you guys next week…


Direct download: Show_183.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

So the wives wanted us to take them to the Pumpkin Patch and to Mt. Dora. This single audio tape is the result. Thanks to the scum bags that we met in Mt. Dora and thanks to the wonderful Pumpkin Patch…cheapest place in the world for the rarest pumpkins. Don't spend 25 bucks on any of those Winter Park "trendy-ass" pumpkins…this place…you can get three rad pumpkins for the exact same price!

Enjoy kids...don't forget about the new merch that we have on the website...

See you Friday!


Direct download: Tom_and_Dan_go_to_the_Pumpkin_Patch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

I'll fill this in later...


Direct download: Show_182.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST

Today was strange. Tom was grumpy…and I'm super, super, super tired. But we ended on a massively high note…with the wonky story. (Don't ask…just listen.) Thanks to Juan from the Cask and Lader for coming in…he made us hot sauce and it's frigg'n outstanding. OUTSTANDING! We might even be selling this in the weeks to come. We're working on it for #snootsgiving! Trust me…you'll love it. Thanks for downloading the show…spread the word…and be sure and rate us 5 stars on iTunes. I'm tired. 


Direct download: Show_181.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

Thanks for downloading! Today's show is brought to you by www.AudiblePodcast.com/AMT

We're very, very lucky to have these guys as a sponsor. Make sure that you go to our link and download your free audio book. They're great people…and we're proud to have them on board.

On today's show:

We've got Samantha filling in for Ross. He's home with a sick kid and wasn't able to make it in today. We love him and his family and we hope that his little guy is feeling better. All love from T&D.

Brad and Charlie from The Attack and Enemy Ink come in today to talk about their new tour and about the t-shirt printing business. Have you heard of The Attack? Check them out at www.theattack.us …they're a killer band and great friends of ours. Their new album is called "Too Punk For The Hardcore Show/Too Hardcore For The Punk Show" album is out now…and it's frigg'n fantastic! Go buy it now!!! Their on tour right now with the f*cking Misfits! Can you believe that!!! That's insane. Make sure and help out those guys by downloading their music and if you're in their area…make sure you head out and check out the shows! www.theattack.us

We also get another movie review from D. Rugg. We're going to start calling this segment "Beat This Movie Down."

There you go...

See you next week…


Direct download: Show_180.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm EST