Fri, 31 July 2020
Hey there, kids! Today was a f'n blast! I sort of needed it and maybe you did too. There are times when I need some of the funniest people that I know, to rally behind me and just make me laugh. Don't do anything OTHER than make me laugh. That's all that I need. That's what sort of happened today and let's get into it: On this week's show: * RIP Pissface- Pour one out for Pissface * Tom got the Timmy at Lowe's * Ballsy Butler * Tom Doordashed Cracker Barrel to the wrong address * Skype with Ross * Scrabble update *Tom- "Stealing turds is dumb" * 1920 or 2020? * Russian Rambo * Opium * Dr. Faucci's first pitch * Bay of piglets * Skype with Griftin Jess * White Monster = Titusville Champagne * Tom's glass forest * Marnie the butterfly * Skim boards * Maximum sharpness ... I've got more to say but I'm pissy so I'm just going to peace-out. I love you all - the best listeners in the f'n world and we will see you all back here on Monday. Bet on it! d |
Sat, 25 July 2020
Simply the best. Better than all the rest. - d |
Fri, 24 July 2020
* Seth Lumpazelli * HypochondriApp * Pun intooted * Seth kicked in the bathroom door on his great-grandmother * Dan and Andrea's fight over car battery * Spread out the crazy * Lady dies on France rollercoaster * Seth vs an actual gorilla * Tyson vs Roy Jones Jr |
Sat, 18 July 2020
Fri, 17 July 2020
Hey there, gang! Welcome to the 580th show of "A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan." I've got to be honest with you and tell you that as these shows get u[ in numbers, I wonder how long we're going to be able to do this. Truly. 580? Are you F&*^ing kidding me? I would have never bet on us completing this amount of show - or even one that I felt was worthy of release. Seriously. 580? No F'n way! On this week's show: * Eric Pabon calls in * Tom's wallet was found * DickDecks * Skype with Ross McCoy * Chris Rock tattoos * Banksy paintings on London subway * Monique vs Netflix * Slurs in scrabble * Tom will die on Honky Hill * Dan is a dance dad * Butler's high school hat business * Peg leg jeans * Pizza burgers * Toilet breaking * Breaking things due to rage ... With all of this said, have you checked out our YouTube channel? One of the things that I'm the proudest of, is the fact that it does not look like a hunk of sh*t. Take a peek - and thanks for supporting and participating with our lil' show. All love, d |
Thu, 16 July 2020
Sat, 11 July 2020
Only the best. Delivered by only the best. Or possibly the worst. Well, not the worst but certainly not the best of the best. Just like "normal" best - not "best" best. That would be insane. - d |
Fri, 10 July 2020
On this week's show: * Treatment for the orb * Tom's kitchen renovation * Tom blew out Suntan Sally's begonias * Craiglist E.T.'s * The Full Pink Panther * Temple of Doom water shut-off * Old man gets electrocuted by dishwasher * Tom's car got broken into again and they got his wallet * Dick cards in wallet * The new "I'll sue you" is "I'll see you on social media!" * Bad reviews * Seth's news * Seth used to poo in his hand and smear it on walls * Finding gross stuff in your food * Butler's dryer repair * Breaking glass with your voice |
Mon, 6 July 2020
Fri, 3 July 2020
Tomorrow. - d |