A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan
The most mediocre time you'll ever have.

All love and thanks to the Orlando Improv and to Comedian Dan Cummins for taking the time to stop by the show. We had him in about a year ago and he's always a fantastic guest! Thanks Dan - you're the man and we look forward to having you in again any time that you're in town. 

On today's show:

The Orlando Improv Event

Subway Stinks

Eating "Inside" of fast-food restaurants

Rupe calls in


Strangers with Candy

Disciplining Kids


Firing people

Porn audio

Calling Justin, VP of Cigar City Brewing


Thanks guys! Have a fantastic weekend and we can't wait to hang with all of you at out 6th year anniversary party! Make sure and mark the date - March 14th - at Ember, downtown Orlando. 

All love,



Direct download: Show301-YoullNeverBelieveIt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm EST